Sunday, March 18, 2012

Learning Oragami

I had in my binder of  "to try/to do", a tutorial on origami boxes. We had done some basic origami in the past and thought we'd move on to something a bit more challenging.  I set out all the necessary items and a group of children gathered round to give this a try.   We measured and cut the size of paper we'd need, began the first few folds and things were going smooth until we got to the folding it into a box shape.  We tried, re-tried (lost a couple participants at this point) and finally made our own folds to finally make the box come together.

I always encourage the children to face a challenging task. Whether it means tackling it to the end or taking a breather and coming back to finish before the end of they day, it gives them the ability to build their thinking & reasoning skills and to learn about how to cope with a stressful situation.
They were very proud of their accomplishment! 
We'll keep practicing :)

Until You Read Again....

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